Sunday, April 26, 2009

Throwing that monkey off my back ...

The last few weeks have wrought quite a writing drought for me. It was more than just writer's block. I didn't want to write. Had no interest in it at all. I actually was kind of resenting it. I had nagging voices in my head telling me to march my arse over to the keyboard and type something a tad more meaningful than my current facebook status, but I just would not do it.

Adding to this was the knowledge that I should be sending another column to the paper. We had mutually agreed. They would give me a venue for my work and I would produce them a monthly column. Well it was approaching the end of the month and I hadn't written a word.

It hung over me all weekend and the stress turned me into one cranky momma. So tonight I had to end my anguish. I parked my butt behind my keyboard and grinded out a column. It felt great. It was painful, but an exhilarating kind of pain. I'm actually energized now and am somewhat interested in stringing words together again. Hallelujah.


Vikki said...

I go through droughts like that. ALL the time. I'll be on a roll for a few months, and then suddenly it comes to a screeching halt and I find myself with NO desire to write, resenting the whole idea of it. It took me a while to realize what it is. I've tapped out my creative inkwell. I need to read, listen to music, cook, bake, plant some flowers, go out to dinner with my husband. Let life happen for a while so I can replenish. But kudos on sitting your bottom in the chair and making it happen! It's a hard thing to do and you should feel great about it.

Ray Veen said...

Yeah, that butt-in-chair thing really works. Even when you churn out drivel, you still feel better for having done it.

BTW, what kind of column do you write?

Tracey said...

Vivi - I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one. I would have like to read, but that made me cranky too (I was annoyed that I couldn't write like the authors I was trying to read). Thankfully I seem to be dragging myself out of whatever this was.

BPV - So true. I actually wrote a second column today in only 30 minutes that was way better than the one it took me two hours to push out last night.
My column is a "light-hearted look" at my family's attempts to go green. If a reader is paying attention they can actually glean some useful info from our eco adventures.