Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Coming to a paper near you ...

Actually, it's only to a paper near me, so if you don't live in my area I guess you're outta luck. Starting next week (I think) I will be writing a monthly column for one of our local papers. While it's just something small, it's a start. I'm excited to be committing to doing some writing on a regular basis. Now I just need to make the same commitment to my WIP.


Anonymous said...


Sarah J Clark said...

Wow! Don't don't play this awesome new feat in your life! This is incredible. Not EVERYONE gets to write a regular column for a newspaper!

Start thinking credentials, baby!

Congrats. Be proud! xo!

Rhonda said...

Fantastic! Is the paper online at all?

Shari said...

Way to go sis!!! I'm proud of you!

Rhonda, the paper's online. It's the Kincardine News www.kincardinenews.com

Vikki said...

Tracey, that's so exciting!!! A regular column is huge, regardless of the size of the paper! You'll have to share your work with us!

Ray Veen said...

Can I write your column when you're on vacation?

(Super huge congratulations)

Tracey said...

A - will I be seeing you at Timmy's tomorrow (if you are who I think you are?)

S - thanks! And I'm glad you're back, we've missed you!

R - what my sister said

S2 - thanks, but you're my sister, you have to say that!

V - I will post a link next week when it comes out

R - not sure if that would work, my column's not about Guiness or robots ...

Elizabeth said...

Grr blogger seems to have issues tonight.
Anyways.... YAY!!! That is great news!

roscoepc1 said...

Yippee! They need SOMETHING besides 3/4 of the pages covered in sports in that paper! (now please don't tell me it's a sports column! lol)