Friday, May 15, 2009

Funky, and good for the environment ...

As you may know, my monthly column is about my family's efforts to green our lifestyle. I also like to point out some of the quirkier or more unusal ways that people try to be environmentally friendly.

Today these guys were just thrown into my lap. I was listening to "Q" as usual on CBC radio and they were the guests. Their band is called Mr. Something Something. What do they have to do with saving the planet? They have started performing concerts where members of the audience are invited up to pedal bikes that power their amps and p.a. system ... a green powered show with a bit of environmental awareness ed. thrown in. And the bonus is they have a very funky sound.

Here's a sample. Happy weekend (happy long weekend here in Canada - woo hoo!)


Ray Veen said...

That's pretty freaking cool.

Seriously, though, since I live in Michigan, maybe I could stretch an extension cord up to your place in Canada, and you could have electricity long before the rest of the folks in your town.

Tracey said...

ha ha. Actually we live right beside one of the world's biggest nuclear power plants. We got electricity 'o plenty!

Vikki said...

Wow, that's so cool! I've always wanted to hook our treadmill up to the TV so I'd have to run if I wanted to watch bad realty TV. (At least I wouldn't feel as bad as I do when I'm watching it sprawled on the couch with a bag of chips!)

I'm curious, have you guys tried rain barrels? We're really thinking about it. Seems pretty simple and inexpensive.

Tracey said...

Rain barrels are on the to-do list - haven't actually acquired them yet, our yard is "under construction." Hopefully for next summer.