Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Root and Sprout, again!

While I haven't had a chance to do much in the way of writing lately I did manage to get another piece done for Root and Sprout. It appears in the October issue. Here is the link (scroll down the page to the article titled Taking A Leap Of Faith). Thanks again to Lis for giving me a place to present my work!


Elizabeth said...

LOVE it!
And your girl is looking so great!
Congrats on the pub!

Shari said...

Fabulous article sis! Well done!
Love S

Ray Veen said...

Congratulations, Tracey. I'll check it out when I have time.

People like you make me re-think trying to break into novel-ing. I've written 10 books, 2 of which no human being has ever set eyes on, and I've earned a grand total of 25 dollars. Sometimes I think it might be nice to use my skills for something profitable, but ultimately, that's not why I write.

I write becuase I love it so freaking much. I write because it's my second favorite thing to do.

Tracey said...

Thanks E & S!
BPV, it's funny, people like you make me want to try to work on a novel! LOL Right now time seems to be an issue for me. Maybe when my kids are in school full time ...

Elizabeth said...

Oh Tracey forgive me but I have to ask...
BPV what is the first?